Ceramika Rice
Ceramics from Rice
Finally arrived, in one piece! There were many questions about it and now here it is. Beautiful, colorful and yet so classic, heavy, all hand-made. From clay through form, the paint of plant motives and glazed finish. What can I add, this is one of my favorite products by Rice, products which brought me to this place where I am now:). Literally. From today I cordially invite you to purchase it here. Rice w mniej agresywnej kolorystycznie aranżacji.
Rice in a less aggressive color arrangement.Usiadłabym przy tym stole i oderwała się od ziemi, która czasem tak ciągnie….
I would seat at the table and fly away from the earth, which sometimes drags me so ….
Połączenia kolorów i nierówności z jednej strony subtelność barw a z drugiej proste formy.
Color combination and inequality on the one hand the subtlety of color
and simple forms on the other.A już wkrótce dalsze odsłony z rozdziału „nowości”.
Wszystkie zdjęcia pochodzą z Rice i Car moebel.
More revelations from the chapter “news” soon.
All images come from Rice and Car moebel.