W starej wozowni
Łączenie starego z nowym, taniego z drogim, designerskich przedmiotów z Ikea czy znalezionych na pchlich targach jest rzeczą trudną i stanowi nie lada wyzwanie. Dlatego dziś apartament, który w prawdzie już nam się przewinął w poście Poet sofa ale obiecałam, ze wrócę kiedyś do niego a poza tym jest tak piękny, że warto naprawdę do niego sięgnąć jeszcze raz i poświęcić mu chwilkę uwagi. Siłą tu są pastele, aksamity , kobieta, delikatność i przytulność, która zwykle w tego typu mieszkaniach zostaje gdzieś zatracona. Apartament ten znajduje się w przepięknej historycznej kamienicy w Paryżu, która została zbudowany w 1650 r. i pierwotnie był wozownią. Obecnie należy do projektantki mody Vanessa Bruno, która uważa swój styl za typowo paryski ale naturalny i prosty. A ja bym dodała „miękki”. Te wspaniałe zdjęcia zostały wykonane przez Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer, pozostaje mi życzyć wielu inspiracji i miłych wrażeń. A ja kolejny raz zerknę na Poet sofę i westchnę naprawdę głośno:)
In the old carriage house
Combining old and new, inexpensive with expensive, designer items with Ikea and those found on the flea market, it is difficult and represents a real challenge. Therefore, today apartment, which was already presented in post Poet sofa but I promised that once I get back to it . Besides it is so beautiful that it is worth to see it again, and devote some attention for a moment. The strength here are pastels, velvet, woman, softness and coziness, which usually in this type of housing is lost somewhere. This apartment is located in a beautiful historic building in Paris, which was built in 1650 and was originally served as carriage house. Now belongs to a fashion designer Vanessa Bruno, who considers her as a typical Parisian style, but natural and simple. And I’d added „soft”. These wonderful photos were taken by Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer. From myself there only left to wish lots of inspiration and pleasant experience. And I once again glance at Poet sofa and sigh really loudly :).
In the old carriage house
Combining old and new, inexpensive with expensive, designer items with Ikea and those found on the flea market, it is difficult and represents a real challenge. Therefore, today apartment, which was already presented in post Poet sofa but I promised that once I get back to it . Besides it is so beautiful that it is worth to see it again, and devote some attention for a moment. The strength here are pastels, velvet, woman, softness and coziness, which usually in this type of housing is lost somewhere. This apartment is located in a beautiful historic building in Paris, which was built in 1650 and was originally served as carriage house. Now belongs to a fashion designer Vanessa Bruno, who considers her as a typical Parisian style, but natural and simple. And I’d added „soft”. These wonderful photos were taken by Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer. From myself there only left to wish lots of inspiration and pleasant experience. And I once again glance at Poet sofa and sigh really loudly :).